Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Big Day

Hello world! Eric Zhao signing in for live updates from this year's Relay For Life with the College of Pharmacy's Pill Pushers. Yes, I found the elusive wifi and power outlet at this event. Below will be a recollection from my point of view (most recent at the top). Enjoy!

PS Come pay us a visit. We are by the Tennis Courts and MoJo.

Final Edit: Changing "LIVE UPDATES" to chronological order for folks just tuning in.

======LIVE UPDATES =====
=====(Reformatted Chronologically)=====

10:00am Set-up and Celebration
No words, just photos and captions.

Setting up shop. Liz Kelly, I'm happy to be here too!

Star Spangled Banner with Air Force ROTC

Releasing Balloons for Hope

10:30am Inaugaral Lap

Opening lap for survivors.

Tess Lin rockin the PDC flag

10:58am The Penitentiary
Ha! Put Matt Wolf and his son, Brady Wolf, in jail. Jail Rules: Someone bids an amount to send you to jail and the prisoner must raise a matching amount by begging nearby Relayers. How humiliating.

11:17am Child Exploitation
Again, we use Brady Wolf to raise money for RFL. Child exploitation? Maybe. Shameless? Also maybe.

Milking him for every dollar

11:23am MRun
You know who's crazy? MRun. They are trying to run 2,000 laps around Palmer. Tess followed suit by running two laps. Good work--only 1,998 to go!

They claim the board will be full at the end of the day. HA! Good one, MRun.

12:12pm Young Gunners in Jail
These kids were a hoot. They couldn't care less that they were in jail, as long as they got 'Likes' for their Facebook page. Go figure.

"Do it for the kids!" they kept shouting, but no one did.
Honorable mention: FunKtion dance member dances for change.

Put in for sleeping in. This is what you get.

Relay always delivers when it comes to lunch. And by deliver, I mean Olive Garden, Jimmy Johns, and Buffalo Wild Wings. Yup, get jealous. Also, Dominick has fired up the grill and we are eating great over here. Get jealous again.

Jimmy Johns

Olive Garden and such

Dominick's Deli

12:54pm MRun Board Update
How's MRun doing on their 2000 lap goal? Let's find out.

130 laps so far...and pie.

2:01pm Volleyball
Pill Pushers (Frank Bertone, Corey Edge, Rachel Lebovic, and I) are ready to dominate. brb.
2:30pm: Dominated the first game. Frank Bertone with the game-winning spike.
3:30pm: Lost second game. Oh well.

Practice? You want to talk about practice??

2:45pm Benjamin Franklin
Holy two-headed goats Batman! Someone just donated $100 to put two people in jail for $50 each.

All about the Benjamins

3:46pm Friendly Fire
Betrayal! Help stop P3-on-P3 violence!

Fellow students Amanda Li (+Gareth) and Christine Rabah under arrest

4:00pm UM Football
Fancy seeing you here, Denard Robinson. It's too bad you declined my invitation to race you in a 40-yard dash. I would've taken it easy on you.

Denard Robinson

Devin Gardner throwing a pass

5:00pm Dodgeball
No pics because I was too busy dodging, dipping, ducking, diving, and dodging. We won our first game then got smoked by MRun. Athletes vs Scientists. Just sayin'.

5:51pm Dinnertime
Taking a short break to make a burger and play some Euchre. Don't bother us.



6:38pm Cornhole
Goofy name for a great game.

Jessica Fong, Kaleena Johnson, Mary Koors, and I enjoy Cornholing

7:05pm Fundraising and 24-hour club update
24-Hour Club (so far): Dominick Rutherford, Rachel Lebovic,
Jail Fundraiser Total (so far): $1,123.53

Counting change. All about the Washingtons, baby.

7:34pm P4 Cameo's

Ngoc Vu, Maho Habino, and Gio Lares stop by

7:54pm The Incredibles
Five of us = Five Incredibles. Too good to pass up.

Blurry Pic of Gio, me, Helen, Ngoc, and Maho. Let's focus shall we? See next pic.

Aren't we adorable?

Random MRun Update:

821 Laps. Almost to 2,011 laps...right.

8:35pm Go Michigan Hockey

Streaming the game at our site.
Technology these days...

9:04pm Luminaria Ceremony and Silent Lap
Didn't snap as many pics as I had wanted to because it was very dusty and my eyes were tearing up because of the dust. Also, someone was chopping onions nearby. This heartwarming ceremony shows us the direct impact of Relay for Life.

Reasons why we Relay

10:30pm Aaaaaand We're Back
AFK for a bit because of the Ceremonies, but we're back now. Before I forget, I would like to showcase what Jaclyn O'Connor created for our team:

A beautiful Ribbon display



11:27pm Creativity
The Michigan Difference at work. Making a human pyramid to raise funds in jail.

EDIT: Adina Feng put both Dennis and me in jail. Jordan Smith put Dominick in jail for $36. Once Dennis got out, he dropped $20 to bail Dominick out. Got to help a brother out.

Prisoner Pyramid

11:48pm Nightshot of Relay

Foggy and Serene

12:52am Jail Fundraiser Update
Unofficial count: $1,800+

1:12am Good Night
Good night world. Taking a quick nap.

~3:00am "Good Morning!!!!"
Erin Gulbransen jumps on me asking why I am sleeping. I am not amused.

7:33am Good Morning for Real & Site Take-down
The dew forms on the Air Mattress and begins to soak through my sleeping bag. Perhaps now is a good time to get up and help undo the campsite.

Dominick Rutherford and Bernie Marini bulldozing

The jail in its fetal form

8:58am Random MRun Update

Remember when MRun decided to ambitiously run 2,011 laps around Palmer? Let's see how they are doing.

Still running at the break of dawn

Success! Notice the line at 2,000 laps (500 miles).
Also notice the tiny note at the top of the board.
It says, "Random Guy in UofM Hockey Jersey"

It's our very own, Jordan Smith, 24-hours later!
[Click photo to Zoom]

9:45am Closing Ceremony

Deserting a once bustling society

The Relay For Life Captains speak

10:00am Final Remarks
We did it!
The Jail Fundraiser Total: $2015.41
Pill Pushers Total: ~$13,500 (3rd in the University of Michigan)
UM Relay Total: $321,000 <-- this is unheard of and a new UM record ($267,000 last year; +$50,000 in one year! Go blue!)
24-hour Club Members: Rachel Lebovic, Dominick Rutherford, and Eric Zhao

Newly Initiated Members of the College of Pharmacy 24-Hour Club
Dominick Rutherford, Rachel Lebovic, and Eric Zhao

Thanks to the RFL Planning Committee for their hard work. This wouldn't have happened without them:

PDC: Rachel Lebovic, Dominick Rutherford, Liz Kelly, Kristen Tedders, Eric Zhao
ISPOR: Tony Lin, Krystal Sheerer
PSGC: Jordan Smith, Bernie Marini
HSP: Erin Gulbransen, Jessica Fong
SNPhA: Jessica Chen, Tanvi Khanpara
APhA: Matt Lewis, Jackie O'Connor

Also, huge thanks to everyone who signed up to walk, fundraise, help out, set-up shop, take-down camp, arrest, cook, and pie-in-the-face.

Now, I am "le tired", so I am going to "have a nap". Eric Zhao, signing out.

PS Erin, I have your Blackberry, but if you wake me up again, I'll make you wish you hadn't.

1 comment:

  1. hello buddy how are you dear i read your comment it's great i like it dear i learn alot of things from your comment i hope everyone likes your post dear thanx for this information.
