I just happened to be checking up on our progress, and I was taken aback: we have currently raised $11,121.57, which is 74% of our goal! This is unbelievable! Then I went to the University of Michigan Relay for Life Home Page to see where we stand amongst the top teams, and we're currently in 3rd place out of 182 registered teams! Wowza! Can you believe this? Because I'm really impressed with everyone that has worked so hard for the Pill Pushers to get this far. We still have all of today and the entire Saturday of Relay for Life to raise money, so don't stop yet!
Penny Wars

This event concluded last Friday with a winner being announced. For 2 weeks, individuals could put money into jars for the P1, P2, and P3 class. Coins counted as positive points (quarter = +25 points) and bills counted as negative points (dollar = -100 points). And these were the results!
- First Place - P3s with positive $50.40
- Second Place - P1s with positive $8.15
- Last Place - P2s with negative $25.95
Geesh, people were really out to get the class of 2013, or MACE as only they like to refer to themselves (I've heard this acronym stands for Most Awesome Class Ever, but they don't seem to have the right qualifications...). The P2 jar did raise the most money however, $96.05, they just had too many dolla dolla bills in there. Better luck next year!
All together, Pill Pushers raised a total of $244.60. Awesome!
Euchre Tournament
If you don't know what this card game is, then get on the ball! It is your Michigan duty to learn. While at first glance, the rules may seem confusing, anyone can learn! Case in point: last semester, P2 Tina Gallagher played in a tournament for the first time with long-time euchre enthusiast, P3 Brian Meredith. And they won!
This time around, Tina and Brian matched up again as partners for this tournament with all money going towards the Pill Pushers. I think it's safe to say that this pair is unstoppable, because they ended the tournament as Euchre Champions. This is a fairy tale story for anyone who has never played before, it's not too late to learn! Just don't play your cards with the undefeated Tina, it probably won't fare well for you.
The Euchre Tournament drew in 9 different teams and made a total of $90 towards Relay!
Fundraiser at Blue Leprechaun
Last night was the final event leading up to the big day. Everyone took a break from their studying schedules for one night to support the downfall of cancer at the pharmacy hot spot: The Blue Leprechaun.
P3 students Rachel Joseph and Margo Cooklin were so excited about the fight against cancer, they decided to dress up like twinsies! With the help of them and everyone else, we were able to raise $294 in a single night.
College of Pharmacy Spirit Week
In order to raise more awareness for Relay for Life at the end of the week, PSGC hosted a Spirit Week for students to take apart in. Brings back old memories of high school... *tear*
- Monday: Twin Day
- Tuesday: Crazy hat, hair, or hat-hair day
- Wednesday: Pajama Day
- Thursday: 80s Day
- Friday: Cancer Color Day... sport Relay gear or Cancer gear
P3's Nina Cimino, Rachel Joseph, Gabrielle Gibson, Connie Cheng, Catharina Cramer, and Erin Gulbransen are sextuplets for a day! And professional ones at that!
P3's and PSGC reps Jordan Smith, Ben Blowers, and Bernie Marini do a couple lunges in their jorts. We have such athletes in our school. Everyone was getting in the spirit for twin day!
Walking Shifts and Jail Shifts
Don't forget to sign up to either walk for an hour (or more) or act as sheriff of the jail for an hour (or more), which is a ton of fun! You get to have a megaphone!

P2's Arnie Andreason acting as sheriff carting around Olga Kishek from last years Relay for Life.
Top 5 Fund Raisers!
With everything wrapping up, here are our top 5 fund raisers for the Pill Pushers:
- Tim Hinkley - $755
- Nicki Baker - $420
- Bernie Marini - $360
- Maho Hibino - $350
- Tess Lin - $323.35
Thank you to everyone for fundraising and a special shout out to our Super Star Tim Hinkley for the extraordinary amount of money he collected! Can you believe it? It's amazing to see how people can come together for a common goal: seeing an end to cancer!!
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